Eric Weigold was there to talk about gardening, underground watering systems, rain gardens, and rain barrels. He knew the restaurant well and offered good suggestions for eating and had good information on the topic. I recently did a post on Rain Gardens which includes links to many of the resources Eric mentioned. Did you know there are reimbursement opportunities for rain barrels and rain gardens? There are also rain barrel auctions coming up (see my post on Rain Gardens for details)--I've seen pics of the artists in progress. Looks like they will be beautiful! It's amazing how much a rain garden or barrel really can make a difference!
While it's always nice to learn about the topic of choice, it's also nice to meet others interested in sustainability. There are opportunities to talk and discuss areas of interest. I also put faces to different names, such as Michiana Cork and Fork, to faces. It is a Facebook group which helps encourage and promote local food businesses.
Green Drinks is a good way to learn informally of area resources, events coming up of interest, and what is working for individuals in our community in their efforts to go green. I talked about gardening to someone sitting near me and "green" smoothies with another. This is a good way to learn informally of area resources, events coming up of interest, and what is working for individuals in our community in their efforts to go green. Now I'm thirsty and ready to get out the Vitamix
See another post of mine about Green Drinks in the greater area.