International Mud Day
Let’s Get Messy: Exploring Sensory and Art Activities with
Infants and Toddlers
By Trudi Schwarz and Julia Luckenbill
YC Young Children
The mud will wash off but the memories will last a lifetime.
Let them play.
Some people could look at a mud puddle and see an ocean with
ships. Zora Neal Hurston
The world is mud-licious and puddle wonderful. –e.e.
Book Pick:
Charlie's House: A young boy in humble circumstances in South Africa builds an
even better house and car of mud and scraps after seeing his own house built.
His imagination takes him on a ride in the car! Thanks
for the suggestion, Tricia L. (aff link)
Timbernook—Angela Hanscom, Occupational Therapist
Balanced and Barefoot (aff link)