During story time, we talked about characteristics of snow, read a few stories, and sang songs and fingerplays. We had several good books. Here are a couple. The book, Winter's First Snowflake
is special as the author is from nearby in Niles. This signed copy was checked out of the Bristol Library. How fun! The boys and I listened to her read a story in town one day!
Little hands made snowflakes with pipe cleaners and beads.
We revisited our snow painting while waiting for friends to join us.
On our walk, we did a Winter Color Match activity.
I loved hearing one girl find the blue in the sky! It's neat to see the children discover some things on their own.
We spent time checking out the trees. We usually think of brown tree trunks, but many were closer to a gray color.
After washing our hands, we made edible snowmen with pancakes, bacon scarves, snow marshmallows, and chocolate chip buttons and eyes.
We sorted different sizes of "snowballs".
Worked in the sensory bin again.
Cut snowflakes . . .
And drew snowmen!
We even made "snow" playdough with shaving cream and cornstarch. While crumbly, it was still moldable. We had eyes, noses, arms, and buttons to make snowpeople if we wanted.
Another great day of learning and exploration!