
Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Seeds are so fun! They come in many shapes and sizes. Some are tiny and others are huge, like a coconut! They are bumpy, smooth, round, striped, dotted, etc.

My son and I attended a Nature Nuts program at Elkhart County Parks this last week. I always enjoy how the naturalist pulls together special programs and activities for the preschoolers. She had a variety of seeds for the children to feel and touch.

The children passed the seeds and pods around so they could inspect first hand these various types of seed. Krista shared some pictures and information about seeds. 

There were so many textures! Some of the seeds even made noises (like the mango pit on the top right) when shaken. 

Each child explored the inside of a peanut and could see where the new plant would be growing. They sorted seeds in their very own seed collection. This really kept my son's attention! The egg carton was perfect! He kept sorting throughout the day. 

For snack, they had various seeds to eat, like sunflower seeds, peanuts, and sugar snap peas. Then they used seeds to create a picture collage. 

They read a few books, too. As you can see behind the kids, the feeders were hopping! 

Then they made crazy haired upcycled little faces. How cute!


My son was very proud of his face. He did great in class--there have been a few times when he was a little shy, but on this day he enjoyed all the hands-on elements of the class. He also really enjoyed playing with the ice on the sidewalk outside!