
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Miniature Snow Sculptures

Day 21: Miniature Snow Sculptures

When we lived near Indianapolis, our neighbor would always make different snow sculptures as he cleared the snow off his driveway. I saw large sculpted rabbits and other interesting creatures. It reminded me of when I lived in Japan. I went to an snow festival in the mountains of Japan with a friend. This was the large snow "stage" where they had singing, dancing, and other performances. Pretty amazing! Take a little walk down memory lane with me and think of the possibilities of snow sculptures in your yard or public space. 

Throughout the town they had sculptures which could be viewed. 

There was plenty of snow, so we made snow angels.

And had a snowball fight! I enjoyed many things about the trip (like fish on a stick, the hot chocolate, etc.), but the snow was the highlight! Of course, now I wish I had taken more pictures for snow sculpture inspiration; however, you can see other examples here. This explains how they make the larger, more complex sculptures. For the average backyard person, here are tips on making a snow sculpture. When working with young children, the author encouraged a simple shape, like a turtle to start. 

Now that you've looked at some possibilities, please realized my own attempts were not so grandiose. In my tiny snowman, I added some natural elements to help round him out, still using a minimalist style. 

What is this? It reminds me of how my younger son eats the outside of the tortilla and calls it a sun! 

I even added some of my color to it from my spray bottle for coloring the snow.

So, a little inspiration, minor attempts for examples of what you can do, and plenty of snow in some parts to try your own hand at something! What kind of snow art will you make this winter? 

Be sure to have a snowball fight, make a snow angel, and wonder at the miracle of snow flakes while you are out there!