
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Fairy Houses

Day 6: Fairy Houses

Fairy Houses are a fun and whimsical way to combine nature, imagination, and art. These can be done in a variety of ways, from using found objects while out in nature to using additional items inside, glue, and maybe even a little glitter.

Supplies: twine, glue, cardboard, paint, recycled containers, wooden shapes, etc.
Natural items: Sticks, leaves, rocks, moss, "loose parts", shells, pinecones, etc.

The possibilities are really endless, as seen below. These are fairy houses we used for a program in May.

Finding a nook in a tree is a neat place to be. 

This opens up to expose the inside of the house, too. 

This was a recycled ice cream container with rocks and fake flowers. 

This cart was cute as a button with button wheels, popsicle sticks, and fillers. 

This delightful swing was made with sticks, twines and loose parts. The mushrooms were upholstery tacks that were decorated. 

Finding a nice spot under a tree makes an inviting lean to. 

Trees and stumps often have perfect nooks and crannies to invite fairies nearby. This is a sign made with painted wood. 

A sign is all that is needed when you find the right tree! 

Other signs can also be used to mark the path. 

Paint and baubles can also help capture fairy magic. 

Sometimes finding the perfect place for a fairy house to rest is key. 

Other fun aspects are making furniture or just having groups get together to make a gnome hut. I find boys are more willing to join if I use the term hut instead of fairy houses.

Here are some things we've done with preschool children and fairy houses.

This is the creation process of the fairy houses we have shown here. I also brought out the glue gun to make fairy furniture--cute! I think I'll show these to my son before he goes out to play today and see what creations he might make!

To be honest, as I look at all the ideas on my Fairy Pinterest board, I'm excited to get creative again! Extensions include books about fairies, fairy wands, wings, small world play, etc. Part of the fun is checking up on the fairy houses on a regular basis!