
Sunday, October 13, 2013

CSA: Community Supported Agriculture

Look at the beautiful colors in our roasted veggies! Our CSA season is winding down. I liked gathering our food each week at the farm on the east side of Elkhart.

Dinner was delicious earlier this week! While we don't always eat quite this local, it's kind of fun to know where most of our food was produced within a 10 miles of our house. A fresh salad with excellent greens. A cheeseburger with beef from the young man down the street. Roasted veggies from our CSA share including leeks, sweet potatoes, purple potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, Brussel sprouts, turnips, and beets. Tossed in olive oil and happy salt, our mouths were happy.

There are several CSAs in the area. We started with Rise Up Farms half way through the season. A friend shared her portion with us when she was out of town last fall. It was a good experience. I will admit, we had a hard time keeping up with all the veggies sometimes. It takes a little planning and lots of veggie eating to use the share optimally. However, that's one of the reasons I wanted to sign up for it. I knew we would eat better if we had weekly vegetables from a local source. Each week was a new adventure, with basil, tomatoes, root veggies, salad greens, cucumbers, watermelon, squash, and more. I've had a cookbook for several years called Simply in Season. I bought it when I had CSAs in previous locations. It takes a seasonal approach to the organization of the cookbook.  

Edible Michiana put out a list of CSAs earlier in the year; however, there are also others around. 

Have you used a CSA? How did you make the most of your veggies each week?