
Friday, May 31, 2013

Nurturing Acorns: Pond Life

In Nurturing Acorns last week, we looked at Pond Life, reading the book In the Small, Small Pond by Denise Fleming. I like her nature related books and find them a good fit for the preschool crew. We talked about things we find in a pond, including frogs, plants, and more. We talked about how ducks don't get wet.

We took a walk through the Woodlawn Nature Center to find animals that might be in or near a pond, like a turtle, swan, duck, fish, and more.

Then we explored the concepts, sink and float, trying several items to determine if they would sink or float.

There is something about putting our hands in water that is engaging!

We revisited this later.

We explored the life cycle of frogs.

On our hike, we had specific items to find, such as a leaf, stick, and more. We brought these back to see if they would sink or float.

The children started testing out their hypotheses.

Did they sink or did they float?

We went fishing during snack time: grapes in jello, topped with goldfish crackers. The children used pretzels with cream cheese to "fish"!

Yum! Yum!

We also blew bubble prints with food coloring and soapy water. 

Interesting artwork!

We sorted and categorized frogs.

We explored our sink and float bin more.

We put "growing" insects in water to see what would happen.

We explored a mini pond! We also visited the pond outside the nature center.