
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Fairy Houses!

The girls at church are helping make fairy houses for a Fairy Garden event coming up at Woodlawn Nature Center. How much fun is a service project centered on being creative? I would sign up in an instant!

I did a sneak peak to see what they were making. They had paint, glue guns, shells, flowers, sticks, containers, and more! I loved seeing how each young woman's creation was unique and creative!

Some made houses, others worked on swings, ladders, cars, and more!

It will be neat to hunt for these in the woods on May 11th and have fun with the other activities! 

We also saw lots of Fairy inspiration at Linton's last month. Why are things in miniature so cute?

I tried my hand at making some furniture last month as well! It was rather addicting. Looking forward to making more . . . especially since I curated all these ideas on Pinterest