
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Green Drinks

Have you ever been to one of the Green Drinks meetings? While this is an international movement, there are Green Drinks groups in several areas nearby, such as Goshen, Elkhart, and South Bend. It's a great way to get together with others who are interested in different types of "green" initiatives. Each month, there is a different topic. People do brief introductions and a speaker generally talks about a topic of local interest. I wasn't sure what to expect . . . supposedly, you ask, "Are you green?" and if they answer in the affirmative, you know you're in the right place. When I walked into Fat Tomatoes, I actually already knew several people there and others trickled in through the evening that I'd met other places as well. Green Drinks is an "organizing, self-sustaining network."  And network, we did! I've mentioned several times that I enjoy meeting others with similar interests with the local groups.

For the February Green Drinks, Denny Correll, Brownfield Coordinator for the City of Elkhart, shared the journey of transforming the old Labour Pump Site into a nice park for the area. Mr. Correll shared pictures of the process and documented how materials were salvaged from the old Miles Laboratory. Materials and money were donated from several local businesses and groupas. Many volunteers, including children, helped with the finishing touches. Plans are to add a wind turbine and solar panels for lighting this next summer. The park also includes a community garden. The garden plots are 4' by 8' and only cost $5 to use.  There are also paved walking paths on the 5 acre property. Here is one article reporting on the park.

I must say I was completely mesmerized listening to the transformation of this property. It's neat to see community resources pulling together to make it a better place to live.

Local Green Drinks groups: 
Elkhart--Find it on Facebook!

Goshen--Find it on Facebook!

South Bend--Find it on Facebook!

There is even a special Green Drinks for the Midwest coming up March 16th at Fernwood Botanical Gardens and Nature Preserve.