
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Nature Photography

The nature programs continued at Concord Mall this week with a program on Nature Photography. Lyman Hug from Shutterhug Custom Framing presented. I checked out the "favorite" pictures on his website--what great nature photos!

While giving many tips, he also shared this handout. We could also ask questions . . . I know enough to "sound smart", but really haven't dabbled too much with photography. I can drop words like f-stop and really not know what I'm talking about. I guess it's time to learn and drag out the better equipment. It's so easy to use my phone, though, especially when I'm wrangling kids in the wild!

He shared pictures he'd taken, talked about a few places and equipment, and discussed tricks like using a blind and such. I was ready to be out in nature taking photos after the presentation. Thanks for your efforts and expertise, Mr. Hug!

Here are a few more tips on taking pictures in the snow. My husband spent a lot of time with photography at one point. Our first year of marriage we went to take pictures in the snow--that's how I remember f-stops, as we made adjustments for the brightness of snow. We also have several of the John Shaw nature photography books mentioned in the handout. Time to do it! As I reflected on the tips, the best one is to just be out there, take pictures, and see how you like them.

While my iPhone pics weren't the greatest for the presentation, I did catch a cute smile of my little guy with a friend. So cute!