
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Winter in the Woods Bazaar at Woodlawn Nature Center

I had a sick son at home today, but did manage to check out the Winter in the Woods Bazaar at Woodlawn Nature Center. It was a smaller bazaar, yet I still found several unique natural treasures!

Vicci had beautiful pottery. I snagged a leaf plate and a present from her booth. She had many options, such as pins, ornaments, and larger items. I like the natural theme of these. Gorgeous work!

Santa was talking to the Feral Cat Coalition. They sold many cat items--great for the cat lover! I will do a separate post on this organization soon. They have a neat mission!

There was also a homeschooling family selling duct tape items, including options for Notre Dame fans! They had pretty flowers, earring, wallets, etc. I bought a pair of leaf earrings--can you tell I like leaves? I asked the older boy if he'd ever given any of the flowers to girls. He had! He said they don't go bad like regular ones. Cute!

Another family had pretty bows, headbands, and rice bags. These were super cute, but as a mother of 4 boys, not as needed in my house. :-)

There was a make and take in the afternoon. If you make and sell natural based craft items (or would like to buy some), this would be a great venue next year!